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Saturday, May 5, 2012

How To: Find IP Address and Mac Address of your computer on Windows [xp, 7, 8]

Every website we log into has a unique address known as Internet Protocol Address or IP Address. This address determines the physical location of the address. But this address is not shown in our browser.  Similar is the concept with a computer. Every computer or machine you possess has a address and this is known as MAC Address. Now how can we find the mac address of a computer and the IP address of the website. Here’s the tip:

Finding Ip Address:

1.     Go to the Command prompt.
2.    Type ping
3.    Then you will see the required information about the site.

Finding Mac Address of  a computer

1.       Go to the command prompt.
2.       Type ipconfig/all and hit enter.
3.       Every details of the computer is shown.
4.       The IP address field gives the current IP address of network adapter.
5.       Physical address field is the MAC address for the adapter.


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