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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Creating a bootable Pen drive for Linux/Windows [XP, 7] and booting your machine from pen drive

I wanted to format my computer to put windows 7 on my machine. Then to do that I wanted to create a bootable pen drive so that I could boot from my Pen drive.  I  searched the internet for this  and found various softwares  and  techniques to create a  bootable pendrive . Here are some tricks :

In internet various softwares such as power iso , Unebootin, windows 7 USB/DVD boot able  tool,etc. are found for the purpose .Of all the Software I found following reliable  to use:

1.Softwares to create bootable pendrive for Windows
 Of all the softwares I found reliable was the power iso .Besides power iso there is also a software to  create a bootable pendrive provided by Microsoft corporation .
a. Create  a pen drive bootable using power iso
        1.First download the power iso from
        2.Then install it in your machine/computer .
        3.Then , run it .
        4.Click the Tools and select Create a bootable pendrive option .
        5.Give the source image file i.e the iso file to create a bootable pendrive of .
        6.Then Select destination drive , or your pendrive drive represented by E: or F: etc
        7. Then Select Start.
  8. If no error occurs your pen drive should be ready .

b. Create bootable pen drive using Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool
 1.First download free windows 7 USB/DVD tool provided by the Microsoft from   Microsoftstore
 2. Then install it in your  machine .
 3. Then run the software .
 4. Browse and source iso file .
 5. Then Click next .
 6. Select Pen drive or DVD to create bootable.
 7. Then Give the destination location of your pen drive or  DVD.
 8. Then select copy .
 9. If no error occurs your pen drive should be ready .
2.Create bootable pendrive  for installing Linux OS to your Computer.
   Linux is a free and open source Operating system .Various softwares are available to create  bootable pendrive . Of the most I found following more convenient and reliable to use:
a. Create  a pen drive bootable using power iso for Linux
        1.First download the power iso from
        2.Then install it in your machine/computer .
        3.Then , run it .
        4.Click the Tools and select Create a bootable pendrive option .
        5.Give the source image file i.e the iso file to create a bootable pendrive of .
        6.Then Select destination drive , or your pendrive drive represented by E: or F: etc
        7. Then Select Start.
  8. If no error occurs your pen drive should be ready .
Note: This tool might create some unalocated spaces in your USB drive. Click here to read how to remove such unallocated spaces.
            b. Linux Live creator 
                    1.Download linux live creator from linuxlive creator .
                    2. Then install it in your Computer .
                    3.Select a USB key .
                    4. Choose  a sourc of iso file.
                5. Select options as required and click the lightning action to start installation  or to create a bootable pendrive .
                 6. If no error occur , your device should be ready to use .You directly run linux from your pen drive without installing it in your computer.

 Some other softwares such as Unebootin etc are also available to create a bootable pen drive .You can also create a bootable pendrive using Command promt but it is a bit complicated process .

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